Thursday, October 23, 2008

Chicks & Chicken

Helo. Quite awhile ago me and mervyn had quite an interesting conversation. Here's how it went... well smth like that... I don't have like super power memory la k!
We were on our way to uni when we started talking about Rabbit Fun Land. It's like some kinda rabbit place in semenyih la.

Wykit: Hey the Rabbit Fun Land place not bad ah. Still surviving.

Merv: Huh? How u know?

Wykit: There.. they put up some new banner wei..

Merv: Wow? Really? But that place like not so nice lor...

Wykit: Wat u mean not so nice? O.o

Merv: Nolaaa, what i mean is, cause when u go there u play with the baby rabbits. Then after that u eat rabbit satay there. Not nice la.

Wykit: Yeaa.. But u go and play with chicks, then after that u eat chicken rite? Same laaa.

Merv: .....

Okay okay. If u didn't get the meaning of that. Means you're still clean. Good boy/girl. XD

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shows how wykit flirts with chicks and eat chicken without feeling bad..